Wednesday, October 21, 2009


  1. When I saw your solution to obesity was karate, it was a small moment of clarity. :) That is an excellent solution and for the exact reasons you implied in your video. Not only will it help lose weight and keep the weight off but it will teach them discipline, self defense and the others you listed. Now of course there are other ways, such as dieting but staying active is by far the best. I was able to eat McDonalds as a child and stay slim. My mother always made go outside and play, not that she really had to make me but if I had not been active I would have not wanted to be active. Part of the reason these children are obese is because they are at home sitting in front of the computer or the T.V. playing video games. I remember when the streets use to be filled with kids outside playing. Now when you pass through a neighborhood you question if anyone even lives in it.

  2. Obesity among us is growing more and more these days. With the fast pace life we all live in, not just adults but as children, we are so caught up in living a nonstop world. I believe parents have a large part in the growing numbers of obesity within children. Parents are too focused in their own lives to think of what they can do to impact their child's life. Sitting behind the computer or TV just seems as an alternative result rather than taking them to an after school program. You give a great solution to the problem of obesity; exercise is simply the key.
